While sufficient evidence of 2TT wasn't able to be found to prove that she was indeed the Mt Smart "Creep Shot" photographer, King Throbson conceived a cunning plan to bring her shameful actions out into the open and subject her to banishment from the land until further notice as ordered by The King.
He only needed to cast his mind back to the Mitchell Pearce saga early in the season for his throbbing member to point him in the right direction to uncovering the truth. Questions were raised about who was behind the camera in the Pearce incident and why no names were ever released. The reason? Nobody was behind the camera. 2TT has hidden a camera in the apartment where the incident took place and with a slight adjustment to her hair style she was able to fool all those involved into believing she was the innocent puppy dog in the video. She went in with one goal and one goal only, she wanted to do it like they do it on the discovery channel, so they could both watch X-Files. Her end game was to put a ring on the Roosters player, because she liked it and shoulda put a ring on it. The whole thing went south when she thought a rooster needed a cock ring, Pearce then realised it was 2TT, pissed himself and high tailed it out of the country.
To prove King Throbsons throbbing throbbers findings were about to put a hole in her hidden identity, he organised to be covered in chicken feathers and proceeded to play shit footy for the Warriors in an attempt to lure the creep shot extraordinaire from the shadows. It worked a treat and while it made the Kings throbber less throbby he was able to put to bed the mystery of the Mt Smart Creep Shot Photographer.
While her punishement has now been served, 2TT is again able to give us tips that nobody really cares about and now have to listen to her babble on about which 2 of her 16 teams will win this weekend.
I've decided to help you all out and edit the original article to the important parts. For round 21 ol love "flick the magic bean" 2TT is tipping the Dogs to get the job done over the Knights and Storm to win easily against the Rabbitohs.
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